Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

An Economic Islamicity Index

Aam S. Rusydiana


There are many factors in determining economic growth as well as an explanation of the success of economic performance that not only includes political and social forces. In particular there has been attention to the role of religion in the economics, with a number of economists that explored the relationship between religion and economic performance. This paper aims to measure how Islamic countries, which declared their country as an Islamic State or Islamic majority adherents, or as a member of the Organization of Islamic Confederation (OIC) which is part of the ASEAN? Are these countries run on Islamic economic principles? To measure Economic IslamicityIndex ASEAN countries, we use 10 indicators Economic Islamicity Index represented by 10 representatives based on the Islamic principles in economic.

[1] Islamic Economic Science Department of Tazkia University College of Islamic Economic, Bogor 16810, Indonesia.

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